The heating or air conditioning of swimming pools is a trend in the market, mainly in the south and southeast regions, where the climate is milder and because there are several mountain regions, sought as a place of refuge and vacation homes.
The Common Options
A very common doubt when it comes to heating the pool is choosing the best heating system, as there are several ways to heat your pool on the market, so it is important to take into account some fundamental points to not regret it later. In case of pool heating systems this is important.
There are basically four heating systems for swimming pools on the market: heating by electric resistance, gas heating, heating by refrigeration (heat exchanger) and heating by solar collector, but here we will only address the pros and cons of the solar heating system, the others stay for another time.
How Solar Heating for Swimming Pools Works
The principle of solar heating for swimming pools is to circulate the pool water through the collectors that usually stay on the roof, there it remains for a while to gain temperature generated by the sun and then this water is returned to the pool filling the collectors with water. cold again and then the heating cycle starts again, this temperature control is done by a temperature differential controller (CDT) that has two temperature sensors, one measuring the pool water temperature and the other measuring the water temperature in the collectors on the roof, when the temperature differential between the two waters reached the value programmed in this controller, on average 5ºC, the pump starts again and transfers this water that has already been heated to the pool.
This cycle is repeated throughout the day until the pool water reaches the ideal temperature.
Pool solar collectors are generally made of polypropylene, thus avoiding the major problem of oxidation and fouling caused by chlorine and other products used in the treatment of swimming pools
- The energy cost is extremely low, since the pump that circulates the water is very small and its power is equivalent on average to a 150w lamp.
- Maintenance is minimal, as there are only two electronic devices in this system (pump and temperature controller)
- The noise generated by the heating system is almost zero, provided the correct pump is used. There are specific pumps on the market for this application and with very low noise emission, some of them can only be noticed that they are connected by the vibration of the pipe.
Easy installation and operation, all you need is a PVC pipe to get to and from the collectors to the pool and the connection of the sensors and pump is simple and light.